Thursday, September 24, 2009

  1. The promise Thomas Jefferson made was not kept because throughout history the government has take the land of Native Americans.

  2. The Cherokees had to adapt to the formal government. The government made them become Christians, give their language up, also sent their children to boarding schools.

  3. The Indian tribes loss more than ninety million acres of land. The government thought the Indians should have their own piece of land and farm like all the other whites.

  4. Captain Jack requested to stay on the land but the government denied Captain jack fought the government but was later hung.

  5. The Supremacy Clause guaranteed the Indian tribes their land, but Andrew Jackson wanted the land and also resources on the land.

  6. If i was handling land problems with the Indians I would try to communicate and come to a agreement to stay on the land. Keep piece with the Indians.

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